Morbius Ending and What Is Happening with Martine Bancroft

July 2024 · 2 minute read

However, Morbius’ fate remains open-ended. He doesn’t appear to be suicidal for the good of humanity anymore after the fight, even as he is running out of options. All we know from one of the post-credits scenes is that he’s keeping an eye on how long he can function without blood consumption (presumably still sticking to the synthetic blood for now) and he has a car.

Some kind of bat…mobil– no, never mind.

What Martine Bancroft Becoming a Vampire Means

Outside of the post-credits stuff, the big cliffhanger is the fate of Martine Bancroft. While Morbius was busy watching Dr. Emil Nicholas die, Milo tracked down Bancroft, kidnapped her, and mortally wounded her as a way of getting Morbius’ attention. Morbius has a final moment with Bancroft, kissing her (with Bancroft biting his lip and ingesting some of his blood), and seemingly fed on her to give him that extra boost for the big final fight.

In the final seconds of the movie, however, Bancroft wakes up, revealing that she too is now a vampire. Perhaps Morbius’ bite had the usual vampire/zombie logic where if you don’t fully devour somebody, you instead infect them to become the same. Maybe it was her tasting his blood in her final moments that did it. A vampire baptism, as it is called in Bram Stoker’s Dracula after the Mina Harker character also tastes of a vampire’s blood. Either way, Martine Bancroft is another creature of the night, which is fantastic, because somebody needs to watch her cat.

In the comics, where Bancroft was Morbius’ long-suffering love interest, she had a similar fate. Early on, she was briefly transformed into a vampire, but Morbius was able to reverse the effects before they were permanent. Years later, Bancroft was murdered and Morbius, broken over her death, used the Darkhold (the same cursed book from WandaVision) to resurrect her. It backfired and Bancroft was possessed by a demon.

Even though Bancroft was exorcized, she was still never the same. Emotionally, she was cold and bitter that Morbius’ existence would not let her experience any peace, even in death. Eventually, she went mad and had herself turned into a true vampire, figuring that at least that way, she and Morbius could be together forever. She was unable to control her thirst for blood though, and in the end Morbius had to stake her in the heart in order to prevent her from feeding on Spider-Man.
