How Many Victims Did The 'Pillow Killer' Yvan Keller Really Have?

June 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Yvan Keller was reportedly after money, jewelry, or really anything of value to fund his gambling addiction, including virtually worthless paintings, investigators noted. He purportedly followed the same pattern, breaking into modest homes by way of a door or window and always at night. His victims were retirees who lived alone. Doctors attributed the cause of death for many as suffocation or heart attack and always as natural causes, Le Parisien reported, because there was never any sign of forced entry.  

While some reports suggest Keller killed as many as 30, police could only connect him to 23. Before authorities could prosecute Keller, he took his life in his jail cell in Mulhouse, hanging himself with his shoelaces. While certainly not the kind of ending the families of his victim would have wanted, at least they could sleep easier knowing the alleged Pillow Killer would never harm another helpless, elderly person again.
